Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011


it might be the end of this agreement, but beginning of my new experience :) - iLul

        Thats what my calendar showed! iya, ini waktunya mengakhiri masa volunteer mariBERAKSI yang telah saya ceritakan kapan hari itu. Yang telah saya tanda tangani MoU nya 6 bulan lalu. Yang telah memberi saya pengalaman baru. dan, yang telah memberi saya keluarga baru :). Gala dinner kali ini memang untuk itu, sebagai farewel party yang mempertemukan kami, para volunteer region Surabaya dengan pihak penyelenggara, PT. Darya Varia Lab. Untuk sekedar bersilaturahmi, and end this agreement officially. (tp yg paling penting adalah makan enak gratis di Handayani #eh). Kami mengakhiri masa tugas kami sebagai volunteer mariBERAKSI setelah melakukan AKSI kami yang ketiga di daerah Ngebel, Ponorogo. Thats the most awesome of three! (mungkin karena aksi yang terakhir kali yak :D)



held the testimonial on
I thanked to you, God, for giving me such a kind friends here :) you're all such my old friend that know who I really am. Never pushing me to be somebody else you want it to be, thanks!

Rabu, 23 November 2011

21, Legal and Lethal

"Later on they send me to Hollywood. To make movies. It was all new to me. I was only 21 years old" - Elvis Presley 
it was November 2nd. and i was officially 21. officially legal drinking age. officially called as adult. officially conceptualized in law. asiiik udah boleh nikah. hha. kidding :)) brb. time went so fast since i got nothing done. i feel like mmm i dont know. things like i got undescribeable feeling. happy, sad, regret, proud. let me tell you from the easiest to the hardest feel. cz if i end this curcol with the easiest, happy thing, seems like there's no more to do and my life gonna be happily ever after like a fairytale :) so, thing that made me happy placed on the beginning. i expect this will be a self-reflection by ending with the hardest one. (actually not as hard as it seems sih. hha)

Feel HAPPY, Yeay :))
i guess you know why do i feel happy. yep, exactly. PRESENTS. yeaay! but actually what i need is just about attention and care. feel my existence. feel that there was someone born named LAILUL ILLIYAH with her struggle to stand up and feel many world anomaly. the way they write on my socmed page. the way they say simple happy birthday in the middle of class, warmhug, "cipika-cipiki", jokes, trivias, treat threat forced-asking :)) successfully made teary eyes :') thankies thank you, kakak2 sekalian. i do love love love <3
oh cyber victim. androided myself. thanks dad-mommy :') love
thakies kakak2 almighty :* geng rempong
mbogdhe, SHITi, theese mean a lot. thankies girls :* love it <3
Feel Proud ...
yeay, congratulation for my self. for being cooperative within physics and mental stuff (despite you both are quite having fight sometimes). for having quality time with my assignments along night, till drop. for reaching this line, this 21 line. for facing any kind of world anomaly. for being 21-daddy's girl. for being me totally, with no forced. and for achieving 80% YEAR-RESOLUTION. yeay. Be ready for the next resolution, Dear I am.
next next next :))
Feel sad ...
MIDTERM EXAMS yeay! and my smartphone was getting worse :(( keong! though i got the new one, but i still hoping for its recovery. i still hope "his" pin will be appeared in my contact. hha. i wish :))

Feel regret ...
most regretness this year : not attending my bro graduation :'(( but i ensure myself that im gonna get learn from this way. helping them to improve their health degree, i hope you understand. do appologize :'))
aaand oke. when i read the quote above, i was whispering myself : what u've done along 21 years huh? when elvis presley got his begining of his way to succeed his life, and I'm just right here, sitting in this static chair. But its unfair if i compare to him cz we're just different, totally. he was with his macho-hair, pointed nose :D aand passionately singing. he was damned ROCK! king of rock. hha. But I think, we're just in the same begining, to the new journey. to succeed our life. If elvis had gone  to Hollywood on his 21's, im going to different way. out of my routine. something new. and im sure it will be a blast! joining the world's largest student-run organization focused on providing a platform for proffessional youth leadership development and global network expansion. I never expected before. i have to take this chance. chalenging myself for begining to the world challenge. are curious what organization is, sooo ...... to be continued. hha

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Does "Tangan di atas lebih baik daripada tangan di bawah" still show its existence??

actually i'll post this on my another blog, but .. just enjoy :)

that was my lecture question in a Health Policy and Administration class i've joined a few days ago.
yeah, we knew that it's a mostly-said-proverb around us which have meaning that a giver better than begger. even our parents did it too. try for planting those proverb as a seed in our mind field.
but have you ever think from another side of
that those proverb should not use (or even can't be applied) in marketting?

Marketing is essentially about marshalling the resources of an organization
so that they meet the changing needs of the customer on whom the organization depends.
yeah, we could say that marketing are focused upon customer orientation and satisfaction of customer needs.

"tangan diatas" means giving something. thats a good side of it. but feel it, is it like giving
something that we dont need anymore? or even like a richest give something to the poorest?
you might have your own answer. but the most important one, it means that "tangan diatas"
had pushed his will for giving something. they never want to know even "tangan dibawah"
didn't need it. they didnt care about what "tangan dibawah" needed. they didn't give them THE CHOICE.
"tangan dibawah" means accepting something from the giver. they looks like a begger even they aren't.
they didn't have a choice to choose.

ANALOGY, "tangan diatas" is a marketer who focused upon customer orientation and satisfaction of customer needs.
"tangan dibawah" is customer. AND consumers like choice. They like to choose.
Choose, make them feel comfortable and confident with the product to be bought.
You can just feel that the product that you show to the front of their noses is the best,
but remember, you are NOT them.

Never choose something for consumers, UNLESS they request. Even though they ask for anything,
you should still show and compare it with other options. ensure that in your bussiness consumers have choice.
"Give consumers a choice, and make sure they always know the choices they have.
Choose, make consumers feel valued, confident, and ultimately easier to take the decision to buy."
So, lets say :
tangan diatas lebih baik daripada tangan dibawah.
tapi akan sangat lebih terhormat jika posisi tangan kita equal.
honourable, valuable! 

subject : Marketing of Healthcare Services
lecture : Dr. Setya Haksama, drg., M.Kes

Kamis, 29 September 2011

for aak

"i was bad, but i do care :))"
sorry for not coming at your graduation party. i do appologize. thats terrible :( but i know we were passing our own way to go for an aim. success :))

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

CHOICE :: tak memilih bukan berarti tak ingin

Life is about choice. but not choose doesn't mean unwilling. its about priority. -aku-

penelpon : halo. dg lailatul iliyah? (mostly they call me wrong -_-)
me : LAILUL ILLIYAH, mbak.. *nada sabar membenarkan. maaf, ini siapa?
penelpon : kami dr mariBERAKSI memberitahukan bahwa mbak lailatul eh laywlaul eh panggilannya siapa ya? hhe (finally she give up)
me : lala, mbak -__-
penelpon : oke, Lala. kami dr mariBERAKSI memberitahukan bahwa kamu terpilih menjadi 30 besar calon Laskar Muda BERAKSI dari area Surabaya untuk menjalani proses interview sebagai seleksi tahap awal menjadi 10-15 Laskar Muda Terpilih. Selamat yaa.. Nah, interviewnya akan kami adakan sabtu tgl 25 juni besok, jam 5 di RM. Handayani Jl. Prapen 35. Gmn, Lala? bisa datang khan?
me : iya, akan saya usahakan *sok cool. padahal waktu itu rasanya "nano2" bgt
penelpon : tapi pasti dateng khan? *mbaknya gak terima
me : iya. pasti dateng. insyaAlloh
penelpon : nah, gt dong. oke, sampai ketemu disana yaa.
nuut nuut nuut.. *phone disconnected
me : *salto.kayang.roll depan-belakang. gak tau kenapa aku ngrasa seneng bgt kaya dapet panggilan kerja. hha

That conversation started the story. Setelah menjalani interview (yg sumpah absurd bgt aku jawabnya. alhamdulillah interviewer teamnya asik2 dan 94oeL parah. Nyantai (tapi serius) abis. its so so different with HNMUN interview, that made me feel like lost in the jungle) dan training selama 5 hari di Bandung.Yeah, im officially a part of laskar mudaBERAKSI Surabaya finally. BERAKSI (berbagi informasi dan aksi sehat Indonesia) is a youth movement platform for raising society health degree. Held by Darya Varia with brand Neozep Forte as a kind of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program. Why i've joined? yeah, feel i was facilitated to act directly as a part of people that try to raise society health degree. Serasa "omdo" sebagai siswa public health school yang kemana2 berorasi akan meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat tapi jarang sekali do act directly to society. Saya tdk ingin menjadi mahasiswa yg hanya "overdosis" teori, tapi aksi nyata utnuk mencapai goal itu. saya bukanlah seorang yg hebat dalam hal public health, yg sering melakukan aksi2 membawa perubahan dalam bidang public health. Tapi setidaknya, through this program, i try for .....

Huaaa, i'll get superb vacation after UAS to Bandung. yeay. Thats my expectation for doing mariBERAKSI training in Bandung along 5 days (during 11-15 July). Apa namanya klo nggak vacation. Ke Bandung (known as Paris van Java) *terbayang shopaholic kayak di iklan departemen store. and FREE ACCOMMODATION *joget hula2.
Setelah melampaui 22hours (fyi, normally it can be passed about 16hours only by bus and AN HOUR by PLANE. thanks -_-), akhirnya sampe juga di Lembang (di kawasan vila istana bunga). Disana, kami ditraining oleh PMI tentang P3K, Disaster management, dan damage assessment&analysis. Di hari terakhir, kami juga simulasi what must we do ketika terjadi bencana. Seruu abiss. You know, we not only get the training there, but MORE ... 
new challenge..
the ID Card

personal kit

guidance literature

new experince..
bandrek and the gank xoxo

nasi campur Bdg

Executive ticket. hha. norak!
and new family..
mudaBERAKSI Bandung, Jogja, Surabaya

mudaBERAKSI Surabaya

nanana @kebun dpn gedung sate

@gedung sate

Setelah 13 jam perjalan pulang dg kreta EKSEKUTIF (pertama kali dalam hidup.hha) Turangga, sampe juga di Gubeng pukul 8am. Padahal tepat pada jam itu juga berlangsung Water Symposium di Hotel Novotel that i've paid for it. 50k, Meen. too expensive to be missed. hha. akhirnya, ngebut ke Novotel dan tiba disana pukul 9am. Dan ketika masuk di venue, wow thats so so crowded. but alhamdulillah, dapet tempat duduk agak depan (biar bisa liat France & USA native speaker. hha). We discuss about the importance of water (that the conclution is : drink water 2L per day!) :))
drink water bottle

ga nyesel deh. seminar package-nya lengkaap kap :D

the speakers an my dean

26-28 Juli 2011 adalah tanggal kita BERAKSI, dan kita menetapkan desa Pace-Jember menjadi 1st on Ground kita. Desa yang pernah mengalami KLB muntaber pada tahun 2010 lalu dan mengakibatkan beberapa warga menjadi korban (bahkan ada yg sampe meninggal) telah mengajarkan kami banyak hal. here for the story :))

the (baby) si(s)tter

FYI, dari setahun yg lalu wombopala sudah merencanakan pendakian ke semeru. Dan disepakati tgl 20 Juli akan berangkat. i do have a desire for it (terlepas dr warning ortu yg mungkin msh bisa dirayu). Rasanya keren bisa bercerita tentang kalimati, tanjakan cinta, arcopodo, edelweis, dan pastinya MAHAMERU, puncak abadi para dewa *tsaaaaah. Gak hanya mendengar dr cerita orang2 apalagi cerita kakak Donny dhirgantoro di 5cm yang persuasif parah. hhe... But whats to do? tgl 26 harus BERAKSI sedangkan prepare masih 1% (seriusaan). Kami msh dapet alternatif2 tempat untuk BERAKSI. Belum assessment dan survey langsung. bayangkan kurang seminggu acara! Aaand i've decided. Maybe this not the time for me to go. But someday :)) amiin. Iya, tidak memilih untk pergi ke semeru bukan berarti tak ingin :))

P.S :
diantara busy time itu, ada satu hiburan tersendiri dari teman (lebih tepatnya MANTAN teman FKM). Namanya Manda, but i prefer call her Mandyy Maduuu :D. inilah percakapan absurd di twitter yg telah disempurnakan ...
@NdiarN : asik deh abis ini ke Magnum caffe ya, Man :D
@mandaappa : kamu kali khan tgl 16 traktiran :D
@NdiarN : aduh, gajanji ya, Man..
aku : Water symphosium. Uhuk ƪ(˚▽˚)ʃ (@NdiarN ultah pas water symposium yg aku ceritakan diatas)
@mandaappa : water symphosium? siram"an ta? ikutaaaaan :D
aku : NGAKAK guling2 ditanah
@NdiarN : i guess you do the same. buahahahaha

aduuuh, masa water symposium dibilang siram2an -__- Mandyy mandyy. KAMU LUCU BEUD..
eh, iya. @NdiarN, Happy birthday. wishing you wonderful life ahead (aku udah ngucapin belum sih yar???) hha

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Being your(better)self

aku selalu bertanya dalam hati (bahkan teman2 sekitar), apakah stereo voice-ku sungguh begitu annoying? sebagian ada yg menjawab "ngganggu parah, La'. mosok gak nyadar?", "nggak ganggu kok *dia sambil pake ear muff", dan sebagian lagi menjawab "enggak kok. itu yg membuatmu unique. just be your self" (-- mungkin dia sedang tdk ingin ribut denganku.

oke, (dengan dalih) Be Yourself.

dan kebetulan sekali, mingggu kemarin, kelasku mengadakan gathering di daerah Batu. and we've made a games yang intinya ntar sekelas bakalan nulis di kertas tentang diri kita. tentang segala rasa yg terpendam, dan asa yg tak terungkapkan. *tssaaaaaahh
and here we go, their voice of mine ...

my friend's voice about me :') damned thanks :)

ALL OFF THEM (oke exactly 99.9%) menulis bahwa suaraku memang badly annoying. sejenak aku berpikir defensive dg berkata :
"ah, gak juga kok. aku khan gak selalu tereak2. toh meskipun aku scream out loud, aku tetap unyu maksimal. dan kliatannya, semua juga nggak keberatan2 amat" dan juga
"ah, itu yg membuatku beda. just be yourself, Lala".
aaand cut!
kita berpindah ke sisi yang agak mature.
you are not teenage anymore. time for growing mature,
Lala. kalo misal kamu liat cwe' yg sukanya bentak2, ngomongnya keras, and so on, what do you feel? *ibu peri nanya.
mmmmm... biasa aja *jawabku. dan ibu peri pun bunuh diri.
dan aku sadar bahwa just be yourself doesn't mean that you have to keep doing something different from other people. but something better.

"being yourself doesn't mean being egoist and not hearing other opinion. if its make you better, why not?"aku

as "Peace. it does not mean to be in a place where there is no trouble, noise, or hard work. it means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart."
Lady Gaga

PS : you guys just annoyingly break my balls, but i love you guys. IKM A 2009. oh iya, thanks buat yg ngasih stapler. pasti berguna bgt. eh, yg dapet kado jam meja kuning, itu dari aku. dari akuuuu. hha

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

the newest page

" i've made a tumblr, and you may visit "

i dont exactly know what this page really for, but i use as a part of my picturesquene :) enjoy

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

HNMUN or : is it a sign for?

tuesday, may 10th
oke, sent !! yea, i've sent some pages required by HNMUN's committee, cv and motivation essay at 10.00 am sharp. yes, motivation essay. i never write this kind of writing even in my dream. so, this is my first. i dont know how the motivation essay gonna be like? oke, just try.
see? my begining paragraph is so freaky-weird. hha. is it looks like write on diary??

it is freak. but an amazing thing usually need a brief of. (beneran aneh sumpah!)

wednesday, may 11th
messages received. subject : schedule for interview (may 5th, 04.56 p.m).
it said that i must be there on friday, may 13th at 06.45 p.m or less than. absolutely for interviewing me. what?? interview?? *pingsan. lebay deh :D
HNMUN interview schedule

friday, may 13th
im already arrive at 6.15 p.m on Unair Library (campus B) and Mr. keeper say : NO! you're not allowed for going to AMCOR !!! *horror backsound. mata saya pun mulai berkaca-kaca. berakting dan mulai merayu. " pak, pliiis. saya ada interview nih. bentaaaaarr aja ya pak". and im allowed :D i run as fast as possible (inspired by forest gump) and when im on the 3rd floor of library, dark. theres no light of lamps that turned on, except AMCOR. so im on my way to, till im in front of AMCOR and meet a man with sugar smile. really sweet sweet and sweet. (are you a kind of Logan Lerman? or even Anne hatheway?) and short conversation happened. really short and absurd.
Saya : am i late?
Mas Berkawat Gigi : who are you? (sambil senyuum. maniiiiss banget) :') hha. bukti bahwa saya sungguh bukan artis
S : applicant
MBG : ask to him. a boy wearing brown shirt
im entering the room. i think its not a kind of interview session. theres a tart cake, 17 candle formed, camera, and people around. yea, its AMCOR's birthday. interview postponed. and party begin.

saturday, May 14th
IM SO NERVOUS. somebody calm me down pleaseeeeee. blank. i forget all that i remembered. i lost all that i've prepared. ya Alloh lebay bet deh aku yak. kenapa bisa se nervous ini. jawab ngasal se ngasal2 nya. but i knew what i've said. no shit. and i've tried to give my best. :D aku jadi nyadar, ternyata english fluency ku masih belepotan. need more treatments :D
AND, i forgot all that i answered except a brief part of the question : Whats ur motivation? " everybody can be a nation ambassador on their way. so do i. maybe this is my way. who knows? i just try" i answered.
i knew it seems like just a dream. or maybe my daydreams. i dont care. i just try..
"cause dreams are not foolish"
even John Lenon said
you, you may say im a dreamer
but im not the only one

PS: thanks to @ndiarn and @fee522 for supporting me a lot :D
to @ndiarn: you said that its a sign? yea, u're right. a sign for me to learn more. hha

Minggu, 24 April 2011


my heart is undescribeable. just like a willing for screaming, crying and smiling at the same time

Kamis, 21 April 2011

Hi Kartini !!

source:google (forget the exactly.sorry)
Kartini KW I :D
my aunty
Kartini KW II&III :D
bukan seberapa banyak jenis pekerjaan pria yang juga bisa dilakukan oleh wanita,
tapi aktualisasi diri tanpa mengabaikan tupoksi :)

Selamat Hari Kartini,
Selamat hari kesetaraan berbalut keberadaban.

Rabu, 20 April 2011

sushi wannabe :D

its not just a KWU task, but more...
this is it, our sushi wannabe,
proses pembuatan

Rainbow Sushi Wannabe

nama perusahaan : OISHI
nama produk        : Rainbow Sushi
chef                      : Leli - Isna - Adia - Lala - Diar - Beli Ida :D

just try this smells-good Sushi wannabe. healthy good taste :) hha
(biarlah semua orang berkata apa. mereka cm iri gabisa buat. huft :D)

Kamis, 14 April 2011

freaky handrawing = spirit booster

     i often think : how happy they are that having a boyfriend. theres someone that always be on their side and make them happy. ya, they have spirit booster to face this harsh world. me? no one. i feel so alone. taking a breath was so hard and spiritless.
     BUT their face made me realize. i was not alone as my-BLAH-thought. betapa bodohnya melupakan mereka yang tak hentinya mengirimkan sms : bagaimana kabarmu, Nak? ; gimana tadi ujiannya? mudahkan? ; iya, pama selalu mendoakanmu, anakku
i've just already realized...
i promise i wont think that-BLAH-thought again. therefore i made this freaky handrawing and put it on the wall. supaya aku selalu ingat, ada mereka yang setiap hari menyemangati, doa tiada henti, dan logistik yang selalu terpenuhi. itu karena mereka. hanya karena mereka, not the others.
hahaha fantastic five
aku hanya ingin melihat rekahan senyum mereka melebar...

i just write,

Selasa, 05 April 2011

what a day!

      today is 3rd of April, 2011. and i will never forget this day. this Precious day. NO! i dont wanna tell you whats the feeling for being forgetful bringing the vehicle regist, or whats the feeling of LABILity so that almost hit the child driving a bike, or even whats the feeling of being SHOCK because of fall down from my pinky-BEAT(ch) (dan menyebabkan makan ketoprak g abis *nyesel.ngais tanah) So, i just wanna show you!
The Evidence
when your mom said DONT, but you do

guys, dont even driving when your mom said NO! or you'll be feel sorry for doing that.
(curahan hati seorang wanita yang jatuh dari motor karena tidak mematuhi perkataan ibunya. sebut saja namanya, bunga)

i just write,

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

my brother 22nd's birthday

mukhammad syifa'us siqqi,
suddenly cake
selalu dengan ritual makan bersama

happy birthday my dearest brother,
March 21st, 2011

Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

after falling

hey you! it was so long time i did not see ya all :) semester 4 ini tugas mulai tdk berperi-kemahasiswaan. so, i have no more time for caring this blog *padahal fb + twitter ON as always. xoxo
okay i'll tell you whats happen during that long time i've not updating this blog. and jawabannya adalaaaahhh jeng jeng jeng *drum voice... i do nothing :D
oke BRB.
      this time i'll tell you about KHS yang kini sudah ada di tangan. yes, that dangerous-live-report terlambat sampai, and i dont care :D and you know what? the result didnt match with my espectation. maybe its not under the limit. but it was so miserable :( so lets see my freaky-hand-drawing below ...

      okei. IP semester pertama cukup memuaskan. above the target. and thats why i've showed it to my parents, hoping they were happy for it. memasuki semester ke-2, sang IP terjun bebas. mungkin dia pengen bunuh diri. and that was not my fault! *what? and then? salah tetangga?. no! itu adalah salah mata kuliahnya yg nyiksa parah. demi apa coba harus berkutat dg v.sefalika, v.basilika, v.savena parva, and the gank * who're they? i dont know. tanyakan saja pada dokter terdekat. and thats why my first-choice-on-SNMPTN-paper did not reached. hha. dear God, thanks. i know you're gonna gimme the best in another way :) and the last result is not good enough as i wish for. untuk kali ini aku bener2 patut untuk menjudge diriku sebagai liar. Godness. sungguh aku tdk bermaksud untuk tdk menepati janji kepada my dearest dosen wali. i've promised that i'll get better score than before. but i didnt :( no! bukan sepenuhnya nggak menepati janji sih. IPS sih naik, dikit. banget. dan itulah yg menyebabkan IPK tetap turun. sumpah, guilty bgt. so what i've done during the long time after falling with IP semester 2 yg bener2 terjun? dan lagi2 jawabannya adalah, NOTHING. miris.
          IP memang bukan segalanya. but whats the benchmark for knowing that we got the lesson? IP. what did our parents ask before they give our pocket money? IP. what did our friends ask after long time have not see us? IP. IP IP IP. semuanya tanya IP. but c'mon, i do need IP for making my parents smile at me. and also make "that man" accept me to be his job partner. so, i just try for making my score better. i dont wanna fall again. meskipun jatohnya ga sakit2 amat, tp tetep aja judulnya jatoh. and we must stand up after falling.
         to be honest, postingan ini sungguh amat kacau cz im in trouble. tp gpp deh ya, ini khan my own blog. anggep aja curhat sambil lalu. hhe.
eh iya. im listening Little Wonders nya abang Rob Thomas loh! cocok deh. i'll sing it for you :D

let it slide,
let your troubles fall behind you
let it shine
until you feel it all around you
and i don't mind
if it's me you need to turn to
we'll get by,
it's the heart that really matters in the end

so, hidup itu memang harus diperjuangkan. termasuk komponen yg ada di dalamnya. (dan termasuk IP) hha. dapatkan IP setinggi-tingginya :D

i just write,

Senin, 28 Februari 2011

thats my father

        ketika sebagian besar para daughters ditanya : siapakah figur lelaki yg diidolakan? most of 'em pasti menjawab, ayah. begitupun dengan aku. bukan bermaksud menjiplak, ato mungkin supaya dianggap seorang family person, or whatever. semua itu tak lebih karena aku merasakan apa yang (mungkin) mereka rasakan untuk menyebut lelaki itu sebagai, super hero. 
di mataku, lelaki itu selalu begitu lovable ...

lelaki itu seorang hard worker sejati ...
sebagian besar masa kecilnya tak dihabiskan untuk bermain-main layaknya masa kecilku. hanya bermain layang-layang yg diwarnai dg sisa pewarna makanan dagangan pasar. ya, dia anak laki-laki seorang penjual klanting, gethuk, gaplek, sunduk urut, etc (did u know them? hha). setiap sepulang sekolah, yg dikerjakan adalah ndeplok glepung. berkwintal-kwintal adonan, he told me. saat ini? menjadi pegawai BUMN tak lantas membuatnya bersantai menikmati dingin ac di ruangannya. acap kali dia menemani tamu-tamu penting perusahaan yang mengharuskannya untuk pulang larut malam. aku yakin dia letih. namun tak dirasakannya.
thats my father .... (or even your father did it too)

lelaki itu menginginkan anak-anaknya get more than he got/had .....
suatu kali aku bertanya mengapa dia tak melanjutkan pendidikannya ke jenjang S1? toh sekarang secara finance, sudah jauh lebih baik. fyi, padahal jk lelaki itu melanjutkan ke jenjang S1, jabatan kantor yg diraihnya bisa lebih dr apa yg didapatkannya saat ini, namun memang harus nomaden. he's 51 years old. dia tak mau mengambil resiko harus sering2 ke luar kota atau bahkan ditempatkan di luar jawa yang tentu saja jauh dr keluarga.
"biar anak2ku saja yg berpendidikan tinggi", etc. terlalu banyak kalimat, pengharapan, dan doa yg terucap darinya, yg menginginkan kakak, aku, dan adikku mendapatkan lebih dr apa yg dia punya.
thats my father .... (or even your father did it too)

lelaki itu badly smart ...
meskipun tak pernah menyusun skripsi, langkah-langkah hidupnya taktis, praktis, dan penuh strategi. efektif dan efisien. smart dan orsinil :D dia selalu menjadi tangan kanan atasannya. jika dikantornya ada event pastilah dia menjadi panitia inti (biar dapet duit tambahan) :D pun dalam mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah tangga. aku selalu dikomplain mengenai cara menyapuku yg menurutnya tdk efektif dan efisien -__-
thats my father .... (or even your father did it too)

lelaki itu selalu menginginkan yg terbaik untuk anaknya ...
tp tak lantas dia memilihkan jalan hidup anaknya yang menurutnya itu terbaik. dia demokatris, sangat. dia selalu memberikan saran dan pendapatnya mengenai suatu hal. untuk pengambilan keputusan, tetap terletak pada kita, karena dia yakin, yg tahu kondisi diri kita adalah kita sendiri. jadi tidak mungkin kita menjerumuskan diri sendiri ke jalan yg tdk menghantarkan kepada kesuksesan.
dia, meskipun harus mengorbankan waktu bekerjanya. hanya demi mengantarku kembali ke perantauan dan menunggui servis sepeda motor yg harusnya bs kukerjakan sendiri. "aku hanya tdk mau kamu mendorongnya mencari bengkel ketika motor ini macet di tengah jalan", ujarnya.
thats my father ... (or even your father did it too)

aku berdoa untuk lelaki yang (aku yakin) sangat menyayangiku
lelaki yang menjadi imam keluargaku
berikanlah ia umur panjang yang barokah, kesehatan yang tanpa batas, dan rizki yang tak pernah putus
lapang dan sabarkankan ketika harus menghadapi cobaanMU
berikan yg terbaik untuknya sebagaimana ia menginginkan yg terbaik untukku

daddy ... i do love you so

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

semi.solo.backpacker to Blitar (ˇ▼ˇ)

         oke. STOP uas or i'll be mad. dan karena itulah, sehari pasca UAS, gue langsung kabur ke Blitar. dr awal, perjalanan ini sudah menimbulkan polemik *tssaaaahh. saat itu, temen2 gue sudah mengagendakan trip ke Belitar ini dg sebaik2nya. gue yg emang punya aktivitas yg bejibun *<<sok sibuk ni org*, tdk bs berangkat ke Mlg padahal besoknya flight pukul 04.30 a.m. jelas gue gabisa brangkat bareng naek kereta Matarmaja. darisini gue langsung punya niat jama' taqdim menjadi solobackpacker. sounds great huh?
gorgeous *wowow :D

         dan tulisan ini pun layak sebagai tour-guiding para bekpeker sby-blitar *haha.bekpek apaan*
gue pilih flight terpagi Penataran (hati2. jam segitu belum ada angkot yg beroprasi :D) dari stasiun Sby-Gubeng pukul 04.45 a.m. and only spent 5500 rupiah meeennn.. kreta dateng tepat waktu. dan gue pun berharap bs dapet tempat duduk sebelah bang Logan Lerman. *nah lo??* sejam duajam gue g mrasakan kegalauan yg berarti karena gue tidur. tp tdk begitu dg menit2 setelahnya. beginilah kondisinya : keram pantat. penumpang mulai padat. majalah udah khatam. gabawa headset. gaada bang logan Lerman disebelah gue. mati gaya. ohmeeennnn... dan gue pun mulai galau ╮("╯_╰)╭ hhe.
so i suggest you to bring all entertainer tool of yours such as : ur iPod, iPad, iPhone *semua gue gapunya* hhe. but i enjoy it. karena gue udah kepalang pengen ke Blitar. and finally nyampek juga di stasiun Blitar. its 10.55 a.m. oh my. almost 6 hours. wah, kontraindikasi buat penderita ambeien nih.

tengah kota
this is it
           sebagai solobekpeker, gaboleh malu bertanya --> akan berakibat fatal. dari stasiun gue langsung ke alun2 kota Blitar. bisa sih, naik becak/andong. tp karena jaraknya lumayan dket, gue lebih milih jalan kaki. setelah puas keliling2 dan sok2an jd tukang foto handal, gue makan. and this is it, bakso dan es pleret. dg gaya Pak Bondan gue menelaah kenapa itu bakso bs kerasa lain dr bakso surabaya atopun malang. i think its more delicious. klo es pleretnya sih, biasa aja. tp ini pertama kalinya. es yg isinya dawet dan something made from wheat flour. bakso 5000 dan es pleret 2000.. murah murah. dan gue lanjut sholat dimesjid sebelah alun2.
             next destination, Makam Bung Karno. dari mesjid, naik becak only 10rb rupiah (sebenernya bs 7, gue gatega. lha jauh ii). dan disinilah berakhirnya perjalanan apatis gue. ya, gue gasendiri lagi. gue ketemuan sama temen2 gue yg tadi udah brangkat duluan dr malang. "LHO lul.. kok nggae erok????!!" ziiiing.... oke. gue anggap itu pujian. thanks
mini zoo
            kita semua beralih ke mini kebun binatang yang terletak di gang seberang makam bung karno. dg HTM 2500rupiah. there's no something awesome. bahkan gue bs bilang not in good condition. kurang terawat. bahkan yg (menurut gue) menjadi stand out from the crowd dr kebun binatang ini (yaitu dokumentasi hewan2 yg "tdk biasa" misal sapi berkaki 3, kambing bertanduk 4, dan manusia setengah siluman #lha mbok pikr inuyasha ta)
library. relief. the gate
proclamation script.first red-white flag made by fatmawati.etc
            karena temen2 gue udah dr makam bung Karno (gabayar kok), gue kesono sendiri. gue mulai dr bagian sekitar perpustakaan. nice architecture-bulding :) there's show room yg isinya barang2 bersejarah berkenaan dg BungKarno dan ga jauh2 dr peristiwa proklamasi. Eh, itu beneran lukisan BungKarno bs berdetak tepat di jantungnya??? lanjut ke pesarean bungKarno..
             waktu menunjukkan pukul 02.00 p.m. its time to go back home cz kreta brangkat 04.04 p.m. (padahal sebenernya msh agak lama jg sih. hha). dan kali ini gue jalan. ya, dr makam bung karno ke stasiun --> jalan kaki. thats real backpacker. (ah, gue aja mah yg lebay. hha). ya, about 2 km lah. but it was not feel so hard cz we were laughing all the way. so different with my departure trip. huoo. smile. laugh. and they are ... that making a single step for begining and a thousand miles of a next journey

(January 22th, 2011)