Kamis, 13 Februari 2014

plaid shirt man

That day, I just got back from my campus to have lunch with friend in nearest mall.
That was the last day of final exams breaking brain, so self reward needed.
makan enak, nomnom :3
When i stepped out of park area, my friend stopped me.
she told that, we're waiting another friend.
okay. im in, till she's smiling to a man, stepped ahead toward us.

He wore plaid shirt, jeans, and sneaker. with backpack.
about 160+cm and a lil bit thinner than its proportional.
bright skin, dan model rambut yang biasa aja.
then we just step out from park area to that mall for craving meals sooner, we're just starving.

I've just sit in front of. while listening to his talks, secretly stared at him. he had wide eyes.
strong eyebrow, and i love that :D.
a lil bit fat in cheek and shadows on chin.
ohya i love his laugh anyway. its fascinating.

I knew nothing about him, since that's the first time we met.
he just told my friend what happened to his love story, and i heard.
He's recent broken hearted. i uhm, actually didn't know the details of story and maybe i should not care about that. all that i knew that he's a fun friend.
oh Lord, he's kind a goodboy and maybe a lil bit hurted. i hope i would meet him again someday, where he had found somebody who loves him with every terms and condition wishing well.  

and thankyou Lord for answering my old wish, anyway :)