Minggu, 24 April 2011


my heart is undescribeable. just like a willing for screaming, crying and smiling at the same time

Kamis, 21 April 2011

Hi Kartini !!

source:google (forget the exactly.sorry)
Kartini KW I :D
my aunty
Kartini KW II&III :D
bukan seberapa banyak jenis pekerjaan pria yang juga bisa dilakukan oleh wanita,
tapi aktualisasi diri tanpa mengabaikan tupoksi :)

Selamat Hari Kartini,
Selamat hari kesetaraan berbalut keberadaban.

Rabu, 20 April 2011

sushi wannabe :D

its not just a KWU task, but more...
this is it, our sushi wannabe,
proses pembuatan

Rainbow Sushi Wannabe

nama perusahaan : OISHI
nama produk        : Rainbow Sushi
chef                      : Leli - Isna - Adia - Lala - Diar - Beli Ida :D

just try this smells-good Sushi wannabe. healthy good taste :) hha
(biarlah semua orang berkata apa. mereka cm iri gabisa buat. huft :D)

Kamis, 14 April 2011

freaky handrawing = spirit booster

     i often think : how happy they are that having a boyfriend. theres someone that always be on their side and make them happy. ya, they have spirit booster to face this harsh world. me? no one. i feel so alone. taking a breath was so hard and spiritless.
     BUT their face made me realize. i was not alone as my-BLAH-thought. betapa bodohnya melupakan mereka yang tak hentinya mengirimkan sms : bagaimana kabarmu, Nak? ; gimana tadi ujiannya? mudahkan? ; iya, pama selalu mendoakanmu, anakku
i've just already realized...
i promise i wont think that-BLAH-thought again. therefore i made this freaky handrawing and put it on the wall. supaya aku selalu ingat, ada mereka yang setiap hari menyemangati, doa tiada henti, dan logistik yang selalu terpenuhi. itu karena mereka. hanya karena mereka, not the others.
hahaha fantastic five
aku hanya ingin melihat rekahan senyum mereka melebar...

i just write,

Selasa, 05 April 2011

what a day!

      today is 3rd of April, 2011. and i will never forget this day. this Precious day. NO! i dont wanna tell you whats the feeling for being forgetful bringing the vehicle regist, or whats the feeling of LABILity so that almost hit the child driving a bike, or even whats the feeling of being SHOCK because of fall down from my pinky-BEAT(ch) (dan menyebabkan makan ketoprak g abis *nyesel.ngais tanah) So, i just wanna show you!
The Evidence
when your mom said DONT, but you do

guys, dont even driving when your mom said NO! or you'll be feel sorry for doing that.
(curahan hati seorang wanita yang jatuh dari motor karena tidak mematuhi perkataan ibunya. sebut saja namanya, bunga)

i just write,